Local 1010 LECET's Jennie Encalada-Malinowski sworn in as recording secretary of the NYC LCLAA
We applaud Laborers Local 1010 LECET Legislative and Strategic Partnerships Coordinator, Jennie, on her swearing-in as the recording secretary of the New York City Chapter of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) (NYC LCLAA) executive board. The NYC Chapter of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement is a local chapter of the LCLAA national organization, which represents the interests of Latino/a trade unionists in the United States and Puerto Rico. The NYC LCLAA works with the labor movement, elected leaders, and community organizations on issues pertaining to advocacy, labor rights, and key issues for working families and the Latino/a community. If you are a union member interested in being an NYC LCLAA member, please visit https://lclaa.app.neoncrm.com/.../lclaa/membershipJoin.jsp